Order of phoenix book cover
Order of phoenix book cover

Last line: “And, grinning broadly at the look of horror on Uncle Vernon’s face, Harry set off toward the station exit, Hedwig rattling along in front of him, for what looked like a much better summer than the last.”Īnother hopeful transition back to what we know is Harry’s least favorite place to be. This tension fuels this dramatic opening where (as readers know) Harry will disastrously blow up his cruel Aunt Marge and run away from home before making it to school this year. He’s weird and he doesn’t belong in the world of the Dursley family.

order of phoenix book cover

In case you forgot or didn’t read the previous two books in the series: HARRY POTTER IS WEIRD. This is, perhaps, the most on the nose way for Rowling to echo the previous opening Harry Potter sentences. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabanįirst line: “Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways.” Harry’s survived another dangerous year at Hogwarts, and he is surrounded by a large group of friends as the story closes. This is another vaguely hopeful line that marks the transition away from Hogwarts back to the summer which Harry must spend with his Aunt and Uncle. Last line: “And together they walked back through the gateway to the Muggle world.” It suggests there have been a number of conflicts and one thing is very clear: Harry Potter is more at home at Hogwarts than with his aunt and uncle. However, this time the beginning sentence emphasizes Harry’s conflict with this world.

order of phoenix book cover

Again, Rowling starts the second novel away from Hogwarts in the Muggle world of the Dursley family.

Order of phoenix book cover